About Us – Rohutech

About the blog

Rohutech is a blog for all Tech Lovers.

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There is something for everyone who loves to play around with tech and wants to explore their technical side. The main goal behind this blog is to give as much value as possible to all the readers and guide them to the best resource available out there for the things they are looking for.

About Me

Hello, My name is Rohan Kamble.

About Us - Rohutech

I am a Web Developer by profession, who loves the web to the core with over 13 Years of Experience on working a wide range of domains like websites on e-commerce, matrimonial, company’s professional sites, Finance, company internal communications and many more…

My love for web Technology is increasing every single day by developing websites, web applications, chrome extensions and much more. I learn and get inspired by beautiful developers out there who are building great things and helping people solve their problem. I love to innovate and always curious to understand the logic behind something which I love to explore.

I have received my Bachelor’s degree in Computer from Mumbai University in 2009. Since In 2009 there was a recession and there were not a lot of jobs in the market and also some of my friends were preparing for MBA, I too tried my hand at MBA by giving CAT & CET but off course the score I got was not satisfying enough to get me a good college. This is how my 2009 was gone and I was doing nothing.

In April 2010, I got my first job as a developer and the technology I started learning was PHP. Initially, I was reluctant to learn PHP as .NET and JAVA was booming in those years, anyone or everyone I know was learning JAVA or .NET but later on as and when I started exploring PHP, my love for PHP starting growing day by day.

I started with my first job at Magnet Technologies in Mumbai with 8k per month salary. I worked there for 1.5 Years. Then I went on to work with shaadi.com for 2.5 years and now working with Rave Technologies – A Northgate Public Services Company since 5+ Years now.

I came across many different projects in various domains/verticals and have been building website since 10 years now.

For more information visit https://rohankamble.carrd.co/

If you have any query regrading Site, Advertisement and any other issue, please feel free to contact at rohutechie@gmail.com