Plug is connected in a socket to create connection

http1 vs http2 vs http3

Here’s a comparison between HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 in a table format:

MultiplexingNo (Serial processing)Yes (Concurrent processing)Yes (Concurrent processing)
Header CompressionNo (Headers are sent in plaintext)Yes (HPACK compression)Yes (HPACK compression)
Connection ReuseNo (Each request requires a new TCP connection)Yes (A single connection can be reused for multiple requests)Yes (Single connection can be reused for multiple requests)
Request PrioritizationNo (All requests are treated equally)Yes (Requests can be prioritized)Yes (Requests can be prioritized)
Server PushNoYes (Server can push resources to the client)Yes (Server can push resources to the client)
TLS RequiredNo (Optional)Recommended, but optionalYes (Mandatory for HTTP/3)
Transport ProtocolTCPTCPUDP
Binary FramingNo (Text-based protocol)Yes (Binary framing)Yes (Binary framing)


  • HTTP/1: Processes requests and responses in a serial manner, leading to head-of-line blocking.
  • HTTP/2 and HTTP/3: Introduce multiplexing, allowing multiple streams (requests and responses) to be sent concurrently over a single connection.

Header Compression:

  • HTTP/1: Headers are sent in plaintext for each request and response.
  • HTTP/2 and HTTP/3: Use HPACK compression to reduce the size of headers, improving efficiency.

Connection Reuse:

  • HTTP/1: Requires opening a new TCP connection for each request, leading to latency.
  • HTTP/2 and HTTP/3: Allow multiple requests and responses to be sent over a single, reused connection.

Request Prioritization:

  • HTTP/1: Treats all requests equally without prioritization.
  • HTTP/2 and HTTP/3: Allow prioritization of requests, improving the loading of critical resources.

Server Push:

  • HTTP/1: Doesn’t support server push.
  • HTTP/2 and HTTP/3: Allow the server to push resources to the client before they are requested.

TLS Requirement:

  • HTTP/1: Optional.
  • HTTP/2: Recommended but optional.
  • HTTP/3: Mandatory.

Transport Protocol:

  • HTTP/1 and HTTP/2: Use TCP.
  • HTTP/3: Uses UDP for improved performance.

Binary Framing:

  • HTTP/1: Text-based protocol.
  • HTTP/2 and HTTP/3: Use binary framing, improving efficiency and reducing parsing complexity.

It’s important to note that while HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 bring significant performance improvements, the adoption of each version depends on various factors, including server and client support. HTTP/3 is the latest version, and its adoption is growing, especially for websites aiming to leverage the benefits of QUIC.

About the author

Rohan Kamble

A Web Developer by profession, who loves the web to the core with over 9 Years of Experience working on a wide range of domains like websites on e-commerce, Travel, Alumni, matrimonial, company's professional sites, Finance, company internal communications and many more. Also WordPress Plugins & Chrome extensions.

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