How To Launch AWS EC2 Instance in the Most Efficient Way - SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launch
How To Launch AWS EC2 Instance in the Most Efficient Way - Photo by Bill Jelen on Unsplash

How To Launch AWS EC2 Instance in the Most Efficient Way

In this article, we will talk about How To Launch AWS EC2 Instance and How Route 53 service is also used to route your website on the given DNS.

We will be discussing two important Amazon Web Services that are Amazon EC2 & Amazon Route 53.
This tutorial is covered in 2 parts

  1. Brief knowledge about Amazon EC2 & Amazon Route 53.
  2. Practical demo of Amazon EC2 – Route 53 demo will be covered in the next video

In these videos, you will learn about

  • What is Amazon EC2? (Brief Explanation)
    • What is Amazon Machine Image?
    • How to Launch a fresh new Amazon EC2 instance?
    • What are security groups?
    • How to enable monitoring?
    • What is an Elastic IP?
    • How to associate an Elastic IP with your newly created EC2 instance?
  • What is Amazon Route 53? (Brief Explanation)
How To Launch AWS EC2 Instance
How to Create DNS Records In Amazon Route 53

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About the author

Rohan Kamble

A Web Developer by profession, who loves the web to the core with over 9 Years of Experience working on a wide range of domains like websites on e-commerce, Travel, Alumni, matrimonial, company's professional sites, Finance, company internal communications and many more. Also WordPress Plugins & Chrome extensions.

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